If you desire an organic weed killer for your lawn, you can request an additional hand-detailed weed application using conventional products to control broadleaf weeds at no additional charge. A TruGreen TruExpertSM certified specialist uses a dual-line delivery system to limit the use of weed control products.
So you see, the simple question about “What is the difference between organic weed control and natural lawn care?” actually involves the broader topic of natural lawn care and development of a thick, healthy lawn—which provides its own form of natural weed control.
To learn more about TruNatural, TruGreen’s natural way to care for your lawn, call 866.688.6722 or visit TruGreen.com. By signing up for the TruNatural Lawn Plan, you qualify for the TruGreen Healthy Lawn Analysis®, and your lawn is protected by the TruGreen Healthy Lawn Guarantee® for as long as your plan is in place.
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