With over 3,500 species of mosquitoes, they are a common nuisance that affect almost every region of the country. Mosquitoes can also carry diseases, such as West Nile Virus and Zika, which make them a health concern.
TruGreen Mosquito Defense service targets mosquitoes where they live, eradicating them from your yard in 24 hours. You can also minimize mosquitoes in your yard by following these simple steps:
- Remove or regularly replacing standing water that accumulates in things like buckets and birdbaths where mosquitoes lay their eggs.
- Make sure your yard is free from piles of twigs, branches and leaves which provide harborage for mosquitoes.
- Keep your lawn well mowed and other vegetation trimmed to eliminate cool spots where mosquitoes prefer to hang out.
- Take the necessary precautions recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and consider hiring a professional lawn care company to kill mosquitoes where they rest – in trees, shrubs, mulched areas and all types of ground cover.
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